PXL_20230812_031021957.jpg Pink Flowers in JeerawalaThumbnailsDelicate pink flowerPink Flowers in JeerawalaThumbnailsDelicate pink flowerPink Flowers in JeerawalaThumbnailsDelicate pink flowerPink Flowers in JeerawalaThumbnailsDelicate pink flowerPink Flowers in JeerawalaThumbnailsDelicate pink flowerPink Flowers in JeerawalaThumbnailsDelicate pink flowerPink Flowers in JeerawalaThumbnailsDelicate pink flower
A beautiful flower,
So white and so pure.
Its petals are soft,
Like a baby's skin.

Its stem is green,
And its leaves are too.
It's a happy flower,
And it's glad to be alive.

The flower smiles at the sun,
And the sun smiles back.
They are both happy,
And they make each other happy.

The flower is a gift from nature,
And it is a reminder of the beauty of the world.
It is a symbol of hope,
And it is a promise of new life.
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