PXL_20240104_111553753.jpg Old wooden beamMiniaturesA beautiful garden with red flowersOld wooden beamMiniaturesA beautiful garden with red flowersOld wooden beamMiniaturesA beautiful garden with red flowersOld wooden beamMiniaturesA beautiful garden with red flowersOld wooden beamMiniaturesA beautiful garden with red flowersOld wooden beamMiniaturesA beautiful garden with red flowersOld wooden beamMiniaturesA beautiful garden with red flowers
The sun shines through the window,
Casting a beautiful pattern on the floor.
The light dances and plays,
Creating a magical scene.

The child watches in wonder,
Mesmerized by the beauty of the light.
They smile and laugh,
Filled with joy.

The sun shines on,
Warming the child's heart.
They feel safe and loved,
And they know that they are home.
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