PXL_20240327_174926721.jpg Pink flower petals缩略图Sunset over a stone wallPink flower petals缩略图Sunset over a stone wallPink flower petals缩略图Sunset over a stone wallPink flower petals缩略图Sunset over a stone wallPink flower petals缩略图Sunset over a stone wallPink flower petals缩略图Sunset over a stone wallPink flower petals缩略图Sunset over a stone wall
The moon is full and bright,
It shines down on the city.
The stars are twinkling in the sky,
And the clouds are drifting by.

The city is quiet and still,
As everyone is sleeping.
The only sound is the gentle hum of the traffic,
And the occasional siren in the distance.

The moon is a beautiful sight,
And it always makes me feel happy.
It reminds me that there is always hope,
No matter how dark things may seem.

So next time you're feeling down,
Just look up at the moon.
And remember that there is always beauty to be found,
If you only know where to look.
Note: All photos are original content under the CC0 license. This license allows everyone to use the photos anywhere, for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or payment.